Mad Libs | Season 2 Compilation | VentureMan Studios Classic

2023-10-04 2

Hello and welcome to another VentureMan Classic video on the VentureMan Studios channel!

For those who don't know, the videos labeled as "VentureMan Classic" are from many years ago, and were on now deleted channels of mine.

This VentureMan Classic video is a compilation of season two of me and CosmicChrisTV's Mad Libs series.

Here's the timestamps for those who want them:

Intro 00:00
Episode 1 00:04
Episode 2 04:57
Episode 3 Finale 09:50
Outro 16:56

Production Notes:

- Thumbnail Logo from
- Mad Libs was created by Leonard Stern and Roger Price, and is owned by Penguin Random House.
- This series was inspired by the one done by Joe Santagato. (


#VentureManStudios​ #CosmicChrisTV​ #MadLibs #VentureMan​